Title: Story of the Fallen (4/?) | pairing: donghae x hyukjae | genre: au, action, angst, romance | rating: r-13 |summary: hyukjae is in search of the fallen, the fallen is in search of his existence.
Title: Story of he Fallen (3/?) | pairing: donghae x hyukjae | genre: au, action, angst, romance | rating: r-13 |summary: hyukjae is in search of the fallen, the fallen is in search of his existence.
Title: unfaithful | pairing: sungminXryeowook slight kyuwook | genre: au!, drama | rating: r |summary: they are unfaithful to the king. |disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and the fail grammar
Title: artworks | pairing: donghae/eunhyuk |rating: pg-15 | genre: romance| summary: it started with a suicide attempt.| note: made for .z_hard as a wedding gift ( ARTWORKS )